Vision for a Valued Future

Ideal for: Infant to 25 years of age

Purpose: Intended to help people achieve the good things in life and be seen as valued, contributing community members. This approach works well at any point in life but especially before starting or finishing primary or secondary school, or at any other life transition such as thinking about work, career, or community life aspirations.

At the beginning: We work with you and your network to understand your current life situation and past experiences. We learn about what makes you, you. This is the information gathering phase and what we discover here informs the next phase: the planning process.


  • Outline milestones and goals
  • Examine current relationships and how to expand network
  • Generate a list of all current roles
  • Brainstorm skills, abilities, talents and interests to use for considering positive ideas and a vision
  • Create a vision for a valued future
  • List potential challenges and ideas to overcome those challenges
  • Develop goals and valued role goals
  • Identify first steps to get started, who will share responsibility and when will your network reconvene?
  • Create a visual plan for you to use for future action, training, and other purposes such as NDIS planning and outcome measurement.

Outcomes: Pursuing fully inclusive activities, having at least one friend, being employed above minimum wage, increased participation in valued roles that connect you to people of a similar age in everyday environments.

Does this sound like a good match for you and your family?

If so, schedule a call with Ricky by clicking here: